By-Laws of the
OANG 121st Security Force Alumni Association
We recognize there is a distinctive relationship among the many men and women who have served or are serving in the OANG 121st Security Forces. Our members share a sense of responsibility for, and a vision of, the future of this unit. We understand the benefits derived from remembering the past while contributing to the future by belonging to and supporting this organization. Our focus is on fulfilling what we consider to be the most important goals and objectives: Honor the Past, Mentor the Present, and Celebrate the Camaraderie. We, the members of the OANG 121st Security Forces Alumni Association, having served in the 121st Air Police squadron, the 121st Security Police Squadron and the 121st Security Forces Squadron of the Ohio Air National Guard at Rickenbacker Air Force Base, Ohio, hereby and establish these By-Laws as the Charter Instrument of the Association’s existence.
Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as OANG 121st Security Force Alumni Association. The 121st Security Force Alumni Association, or the “121st SFAA”, or the “Association” as it may be referenced for purposes of convenience, shall be organized pursuant to the laws of the State of Ohio where it was chartered and so licensed, and governed by the laws of the State of Ohio and the laws of the United States of America where applicable.
Article II – Object
The Association exists:
a) To promote and foster comradeship and friendship derived from the membership’s service to the United States of America with the Ohio Air National Guard 121st Security Forces;
b) To provide opportunities for members to maintain and strengthen bonds and renew friendships through reunions and meetings;
c) To preserve and promote the history of the 121st Security Forces;
d) To support the mission of the 121st Security Forces through mentoring the individuals assigned to the 121st Security Forces or subsequent units;
e) To sustain the ideals of duty, honor and country.
The Association is organized exclusively for fraternal purposes, as a veteran organization, and its activities shall be conducted in such a manner so as not to benefit any private individual; no part of the income of the Association shall be distributed to its members or officers, provided, however, that the payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered shall not be deemed a distribution of income; no substantial part of the activities of the Association shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The Association shall not participate in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Association from addressing issues or allowing invited guests to address issues that may affect the political welfare of the United States of America, a foreign government, or any state or city of the United States.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 Members
There shall be three (3) classes of members as defined herein, “Regular Members,” “Associate Members” and “Honorary Members.”
a) Regular Members shall be defined as those military members – currently serving, retired or former squadron members - who served honorably with the 121st Air Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Flight, 121st Security Forces Squadron, or any subsequent military police units of the Ohio Air National Guard at Rickenbacker Air Force Base, Ohio.
b) Associate Members shall be defined as widows or widowers of deceased Regular Members who either did, or would have qualified for membership as a Regular Member.
c) Honorary Members shall be defined as those distinguished individuals who had some notable association with the 121st Air Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Flight, or the 121st Security Forces Squadron of the Ohio Air National Guard at Rickenbacker Air Force Base, Ohio who do not qualify under any other category for membership in the Association.
Honorary Members shall be approved with such standing by a majority vote of the members at a Regular Meeting of the Association.
Section 2 Voting
The right to vote on issues coming before the Association shall be extended only to Regular Members (as that phrase is defined herein) in good standing at the time of the vote.
Section 3 Dues
The Association shall assess dues to provide financial support to the organization.
The Association shall assess dues from its Regular Members. Initial dues upon application for membership in the 121st Security Force Alumni Association will be $25.00 will include their membership certificate and challenge coin.
Membership renewals are $15.00 annually, due and payable not later than January 31 of each year. Dues can also be prepaid at the rate of four years for $ 50.00 ($ 60 if new member).
Dues shall not be assessed from Associate Members and Honorary Members.
The Executive Committee can establish an incentivized donation schedule beyond the basic dues. Financial donations to the Association are encouraged and welcome.
a) Finances
The Officers and Board of Directors shall establish policies and procedures addressing the expenditure of Association funds.
b) Audit
The Treasurer’s financial records shall be available and open for inspection during each Reunion, and upon written request in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code governing non-profit, not-for-profit or tax-exempt organizations. Within sixty days of each reunion an audit of the Treasurer’s records shall be accomplished by qualified personnel as determined by the Executive Board, likewise upon a change of the Treasurer, or at such other times as the President and or Board of Directors shall determine prudent.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1 Establishment Clause
There shall be organized within the Association, an Executive Committee comprised of the following:
a) President:
a. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. The President shall prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Reunion Business Meetings, and all Association Meetings whether they are regular or specially called meetings.
b. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, appoint the Board of Directors, and Chairpersons of all standing committees and those committees that may be created but not specifically provided for within the parameters of the Bylaws.
c. The President shall be an ad hoc member of each committee, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, whether specifically created by the Bylaws or created as a matter of course within the Association
b) Vice President:
a. The Vice President shall preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee, the Reunion Business Meetings, and all Association Meetings whether they are regular or specially called meetings, in the absence of the President.
b. The Vice President shall be first in line of succession to the President, and, as such, shall assume the duties of President should the President be unable or unwilling to complete his or her term of office.
c) Secretary:
a. The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, and all Association Meetings whether they are regular or specially called meetings.
b. The Secretary shall be responsible for preparing, maintaining and safeguarding all of the Association’s records, files, lists, and documents regardless of their medium of expression or storage medium.
c. The Secretary shall be second in line of succession to the President.
d) Treasurer:
a. The Treasurer shall maintain, safeguard and account for the funds of the Association. In so doing, the Treasurer shall have the authority to open bank accounts in the name of the Association, to provide for savings and or checking where appropriate, write drafts, transfer funds, or undertake financial actions on behalf of the Association that are in the best interests of the organization.
b. The Treasurer shall undertake to maintain and account for all monies received. The Treasurer will maintain an account of each disbursement to include the amount of the disbursement and the purpose for which the disbursement was made. All expenditures shall be accompanied by an invoice, bill or other record to evidence the authorized payment or obligation of the Association. The record of expenditures shall be maintained for a period of at least seven (7) years on a roll-off basis.
e) Board of Directors:
a. The Board of Directors shall consist of the chairman of each of the standing committees
The offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and any office designated by the Officers are not indicative of any hierarchy, position of prominence, status or stature. Each officer stands on equal footing, organizationally, regardless of any office they may hold. No one officer shall speak for the Officers, Board of Directors, Committees or the Association as a whole, or otherwise dictate policy unilaterally.
Section 2 Removal of officers
Any officer may be removed from that office by majority vote of the Regular Members whenever, in their judgment - and for cause, the best interests of the Association will be served. However, such removal will be without prejudice to any contract rights of the officer so removed.
Section 3 Election
Election of Officers will take place at the Association’s Reunion during the Reunion Business Meeting.
In anticipation of the upcoming Reunion and the attendant Business Meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee from the Regular Members of the Association at least three (3) months in advance of the Reunion and the Reunion Business Meeting.
A list of all candidates for office selected by the Nominating Committee shall be posted on the Association web site at least thirty (30) days prior to the Reunion Business Meeting. Only nominees who consent to serve may be placed on the ballot.
In addition, the list of all candidates for office shall be posted or otherwise provided in writing to the attendees at the Reunion.
During the Reunion Business Meeting, nominees for office may be accepted from the floor and added to the ballot.
Section 4 Ballots
The election of Association Officers shall be conducted by written ballot except when there is only one nominee for an office. The ballot shall be prepared by the Nominating Committee and shall set forth each name selected and submitted to the Membership. Nominations originating from the floor of the Reunion Business Meeting shall be added to the existing ballot in an area of the ballot designated accordingly.
A simple majority vote by the Association membership in attendance at the Reunion Business Meeting will be required for election of any officer. In the case of a tie, the candidates receiving the most votes will be submitted to the membership on second and succeeding ballots if necessary.
Section 5 Terms of Office
Officers shall be elected by the Regular Members of the Association and serve for a term of four years. New officers shall be sworn in at the conclusion of the Reunion Business Meeting and begin their term in office immediately.
When a non-elected officer is serving in any elective vacancy e.g., President, Vice President, Secretary and or Treasurer, that office shall be filled at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting to complete the term of service provided that the vacancy shall be posted on the Association web site at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting
Section 6 Eligibility
All Regular Members are eligible to hold elective offices. There shall be no term limits on the tenure an officer may hold his or her office.
Article V – Reunions and Association Meetings
Reunion Business Meetings and all Association Meetings shall be governed by the procedures established and recognized in Robert’s Rules of Order, the Association’s Constitution and the Association’s Bylaws. Where conflict in order or procedure arises, the Association’s Bylaws shall govern.
Section 1 Reunion and Reunion Business Meetings
Reunions and Reunion Business Meetings shall normally be held once every four years. The specific location and scheduling for Reunions shall be established by the Reunion Steering Committee.
Section 2 Association Meetings
Association Meetings shall be conducted on a biannual basis, as determined by the membership. 30 days notice shall be forwarded to the Association's Membership of all regular meetings. Meetings will consist of a physical meeting and on on-line meeting. All business conducted during the physical portion of the meeting will be recorded to the on line forum and the on line portion of the meeting will extend for 14 days following the physical meeting. Only regular members in good standing will be granted access to any online discussion forum where business is discussed. A Report of each Association Meeting shall be formalized by the Secretary, maintained in the permanent records of the organization and posted to the association web site.
Section 3 Special Association Meetings
Special meetings of the Association may be called as necessary by a majority vote of the Association Officers.
Appropriate reasonable notice, 10 days minimum, shall be forwarded to the Association's Membership of the Meeting. That notice shall contain the issue(s), point(s) or topic(s) of discussion, the date and time of the call to order, the concluding date and time, and the medium to be used in conducting the Special Association Meeting.
Any and all such special meetings shall be limited to a specific issue(s) or point(s) of business identified in the written notice of the meeting.
Section 4 Officer Presiding
The President of the Association shall normally preside over all Association meetings. In his absence, the Vice President of the Association shall preside. In the absence of both the President and Vice President, then the Secretary shall preside over the meeting.
Section 5 Quorums and Voting
A quorum for Association Meetings shall consist of a minimum of five voting members present after proper notification of the meeting has been given. Meetings may be held via conference call or online meeting rather than in person and physical attendance at a particular location is not a requirement for quorum when members are attending in this manner. There will be no proxies.
Article VI – Standing Committees
The Association shall recognize and organize Standing Committees to assist in conducting business as the Association may deem necessary or fit. Initially, these Bylaws shall recognize the establishment of the following Standing Committees:
a) The Reunion Steering Committee;
b) The Search/Membership Committee; and
c) The 121st Security Forces Liaison Committee.
Section 1 Reunion Steering Committee
The Reunion Steering Committee shall be comprised of Regular Members of the Association to assist in the determination of the dates and locations of the Association’s Reunions.
The Reunion Steering Committee shall coordinate its activities and plans through the Executive Committee.
Section 2 Search/Membership Committee
The Search/Membership Committee shall be comprised of Regular Members of the Association to assist in the search for former members of the 121st Air Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Flight, and the 121st Security Forces Squadron, or their familial relations.
The Committee shall nominate and elect a Chairperson who shall have the ultimate responsibility for maintaining, updating and safeguarding the Association’s membership rolls, as well as the responsibility to undertake to actively seek former members from the various eras of “the 121st”
The Chairperson, in conjunction with the Committee, shall make updated membership rosters available to other officers of the Association on a timely basis. Said rosters shall be provided to all current members at each reunion event.
In undertaking their duties, the Search/Membership Committee will be sensitive to the privacy considerations of each member and be attentive to the need for privacy and security in the information they possess and have within their control.
Membership information shall be used exclusively for purposes related solely to the Association. No member’s information shall be disseminated to anyone outside the Association for any reason. No information shall be disseminated within the organization without the express permission and authorization of the member.
Section 3 121st Security Forces Liaison Committee
The 121st Security Force Liaison Committee shall be comprised of Regular Members of the Association. The 121st Security Forces Liaison Committee shall be dedicated to maintaining active and open communications with members of the 121st Security Forces Squadron.
Among other things, the Liaison Committee shall undertake efforts to determine the needs of particular members of the organization that might arise due to the United States’ ongoing efforts to minimize and eliminate terrorism and terrorist activities in the United States and around the world.
In addition, the Committee shall undertake efforts to promote good will between the Association and members of the Security Forces Squadron, promote and encourage membership in the Association from members and former members of the Security Forces Squadron, assimilate members into the Association, coordinate events, media exchanges, and update the history of “The 121st” from the records of the Security Forces Squadron.
The Committee shall report to and coordinate efforts with the Association’s Secretary.
Article VII – 121st SFAA Logo
The 121st SFAA shall have a designated “logo” or “mark.” The logo shall be distinctive in design as set forth below.
A USAF Security Police badge centered in the foreground, within concentric circles, facing the observer, silver in color.
The two concentric circles form a border on the outer rim of the design. In the upper portion of the border’s margins positioned in between the two concentric circles and above the badge are the inscribed words: “OANG 121st Security Forces Alumni Association.” In the border’s margin at the bottom of the logo are inscribed the words: “Bonded by the Badge” The inscriptions rest in a silver field of the border, and are inscribed in a dark blue color. This logo or mark shall be the property of the 121st Security Forces Alumni Association and shall be recognized as the official emblem of the Association. This logo or mark shall be used to adorn banners, correspondence, mailings, mastheads and such other objects and things as may from time-to-time be officially sanctioned by the Association.
Article VIII – Indemnification (Protection from Loss)
Officers, directors, employees, and agents of the unit shall be indemnified for any costs, expenses or liabilities necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding in which they are made a party by reason of being or having been a member serving in an elective or an appointed capacity. No member or employee shall be indemnified when adjudged in the action or suit to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty.
The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such officers and agents may be entitled.
Article IX – Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution or liquidation of the Association, and after payment of just debts and liabilities, all remaining assets shall be distributed to any such successor organization or otherwise distributed in whole or in part to another organization operating as a not-for-profit association or foundation and for exempt purposes within the meaning and definitions of 501 or other tax exemption provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any
We recognize there is a distinctive relationship among the many men and women who have served or are serving in the OANG 121st Security Forces. Our members share a sense of responsibility for, and a vision of, the future of this unit. We understand the benefits derived from remembering the past while contributing to the future by belonging to and supporting this organization. Our focus is on fulfilling what we consider to be the most important goals and objectives: Honor the Past, Mentor the Present, and Celebrate the Camaraderie. We, the members of the OANG 121st Security Forces Alumni Association, having served in the 121st Air Police squadron, the 121st Security Police Squadron and the 121st Security Forces Squadron of the Ohio Air National Guard at Rickenbacker Air Force Base, Ohio, hereby and establish these By-Laws as the Charter Instrument of the Association’s existence.
Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as OANG 121st Security Force Alumni Association. The 121st Security Force Alumni Association, or the “121st SFAA”, or the “Association” as it may be referenced for purposes of convenience, shall be organized pursuant to the laws of the State of Ohio where it was chartered and so licensed, and governed by the laws of the State of Ohio and the laws of the United States of America where applicable.
Article II – Object
The Association exists:
a) To promote and foster comradeship and friendship derived from the membership’s service to the United States of America with the Ohio Air National Guard 121st Security Forces;
b) To provide opportunities for members to maintain and strengthen bonds and renew friendships through reunions and meetings;
c) To preserve and promote the history of the 121st Security Forces;
d) To support the mission of the 121st Security Forces through mentoring the individuals assigned to the 121st Security Forces or subsequent units;
e) To sustain the ideals of duty, honor and country.
The Association is organized exclusively for fraternal purposes, as a veteran organization, and its activities shall be conducted in such a manner so as not to benefit any private individual; no part of the income of the Association shall be distributed to its members or officers, provided, however, that the payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered shall not be deemed a distribution of income; no substantial part of the activities of the Association shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The Association shall not participate in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Association from addressing issues or allowing invited guests to address issues that may affect the political welfare of the United States of America, a foreign government, or any state or city of the United States.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 Members
There shall be three (3) classes of members as defined herein, “Regular Members,” “Associate Members” and “Honorary Members.”
a) Regular Members shall be defined as those military members – currently serving, retired or former squadron members - who served honorably with the 121st Air Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Flight, 121st Security Forces Squadron, or any subsequent military police units of the Ohio Air National Guard at Rickenbacker Air Force Base, Ohio.
b) Associate Members shall be defined as widows or widowers of deceased Regular Members who either did, or would have qualified for membership as a Regular Member.
c) Honorary Members shall be defined as those distinguished individuals who had some notable association with the 121st Air Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Flight, or the 121st Security Forces Squadron of the Ohio Air National Guard at Rickenbacker Air Force Base, Ohio who do not qualify under any other category for membership in the Association.
Honorary Members shall be approved with such standing by a majority vote of the members at a Regular Meeting of the Association.
Section 2 Voting
The right to vote on issues coming before the Association shall be extended only to Regular Members (as that phrase is defined herein) in good standing at the time of the vote.
Section 3 Dues
The Association shall assess dues to provide financial support to the organization.
The Association shall assess dues from its Regular Members. Initial dues upon application for membership in the 121st Security Force Alumni Association will be $25.00 will include their membership certificate and challenge coin.
Membership renewals are $15.00 annually, due and payable not later than January 31 of each year. Dues can also be prepaid at the rate of four years for $ 50.00 ($ 60 if new member).
Dues shall not be assessed from Associate Members and Honorary Members.
The Executive Committee can establish an incentivized donation schedule beyond the basic dues. Financial donations to the Association are encouraged and welcome.
a) Finances
The Officers and Board of Directors shall establish policies and procedures addressing the expenditure of Association funds.
b) Audit
The Treasurer’s financial records shall be available and open for inspection during each Reunion, and upon written request in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code governing non-profit, not-for-profit or tax-exempt organizations. Within sixty days of each reunion an audit of the Treasurer’s records shall be accomplished by qualified personnel as determined by the Executive Board, likewise upon a change of the Treasurer, or at such other times as the President and or Board of Directors shall determine prudent.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1 Establishment Clause
There shall be organized within the Association, an Executive Committee comprised of the following:
a) President:
a. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. The President shall prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Reunion Business Meetings, and all Association Meetings whether they are regular or specially called meetings.
b. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, appoint the Board of Directors, and Chairpersons of all standing committees and those committees that may be created but not specifically provided for within the parameters of the Bylaws.
c. The President shall be an ad hoc member of each committee, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, whether specifically created by the Bylaws or created as a matter of course within the Association
b) Vice President:
a. The Vice President shall preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee, the Reunion Business Meetings, and all Association Meetings whether they are regular or specially called meetings, in the absence of the President.
b. The Vice President shall be first in line of succession to the President, and, as such, shall assume the duties of President should the President be unable or unwilling to complete his or her term of office.
c) Secretary:
a. The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, and all Association Meetings whether they are regular or specially called meetings.
b. The Secretary shall be responsible for preparing, maintaining and safeguarding all of the Association’s records, files, lists, and documents regardless of their medium of expression or storage medium.
c. The Secretary shall be second in line of succession to the President.
d) Treasurer:
a. The Treasurer shall maintain, safeguard and account for the funds of the Association. In so doing, the Treasurer shall have the authority to open bank accounts in the name of the Association, to provide for savings and or checking where appropriate, write drafts, transfer funds, or undertake financial actions on behalf of the Association that are in the best interests of the organization.
b. The Treasurer shall undertake to maintain and account for all monies received. The Treasurer will maintain an account of each disbursement to include the amount of the disbursement and the purpose for which the disbursement was made. All expenditures shall be accompanied by an invoice, bill or other record to evidence the authorized payment or obligation of the Association. The record of expenditures shall be maintained for a period of at least seven (7) years on a roll-off basis.
e) Board of Directors:
a. The Board of Directors shall consist of the chairman of each of the standing committees
The offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and any office designated by the Officers are not indicative of any hierarchy, position of prominence, status or stature. Each officer stands on equal footing, organizationally, regardless of any office they may hold. No one officer shall speak for the Officers, Board of Directors, Committees or the Association as a whole, or otherwise dictate policy unilaterally.
Section 2 Removal of officers
Any officer may be removed from that office by majority vote of the Regular Members whenever, in their judgment - and for cause, the best interests of the Association will be served. However, such removal will be without prejudice to any contract rights of the officer so removed.
Section 3 Election
Election of Officers will take place at the Association’s Reunion during the Reunion Business Meeting.
In anticipation of the upcoming Reunion and the attendant Business Meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee from the Regular Members of the Association at least three (3) months in advance of the Reunion and the Reunion Business Meeting.
A list of all candidates for office selected by the Nominating Committee shall be posted on the Association web site at least thirty (30) days prior to the Reunion Business Meeting. Only nominees who consent to serve may be placed on the ballot.
In addition, the list of all candidates for office shall be posted or otherwise provided in writing to the attendees at the Reunion.
During the Reunion Business Meeting, nominees for office may be accepted from the floor and added to the ballot.
Section 4 Ballots
The election of Association Officers shall be conducted by written ballot except when there is only one nominee for an office. The ballot shall be prepared by the Nominating Committee and shall set forth each name selected and submitted to the Membership. Nominations originating from the floor of the Reunion Business Meeting shall be added to the existing ballot in an area of the ballot designated accordingly.
A simple majority vote by the Association membership in attendance at the Reunion Business Meeting will be required for election of any officer. In the case of a tie, the candidates receiving the most votes will be submitted to the membership on second and succeeding ballots if necessary.
Section 5 Terms of Office
Officers shall be elected by the Regular Members of the Association and serve for a term of four years. New officers shall be sworn in at the conclusion of the Reunion Business Meeting and begin their term in office immediately.
When a non-elected officer is serving in any elective vacancy e.g., President, Vice President, Secretary and or Treasurer, that office shall be filled at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting to complete the term of service provided that the vacancy shall be posted on the Association web site at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting
Section 6 Eligibility
All Regular Members are eligible to hold elective offices. There shall be no term limits on the tenure an officer may hold his or her office.
Article V – Reunions and Association Meetings
Reunion Business Meetings and all Association Meetings shall be governed by the procedures established and recognized in Robert’s Rules of Order, the Association’s Constitution and the Association’s Bylaws. Where conflict in order or procedure arises, the Association’s Bylaws shall govern.
Section 1 Reunion and Reunion Business Meetings
Reunions and Reunion Business Meetings shall normally be held once every four years. The specific location and scheduling for Reunions shall be established by the Reunion Steering Committee.
Section 2 Association Meetings
Association Meetings shall be conducted on a biannual basis, as determined by the membership. 30 days notice shall be forwarded to the Association's Membership of all regular meetings. Meetings will consist of a physical meeting and on on-line meeting. All business conducted during the physical portion of the meeting will be recorded to the on line forum and the on line portion of the meeting will extend for 14 days following the physical meeting. Only regular members in good standing will be granted access to any online discussion forum where business is discussed. A Report of each Association Meeting shall be formalized by the Secretary, maintained in the permanent records of the organization and posted to the association web site.
Section 3 Special Association Meetings
Special meetings of the Association may be called as necessary by a majority vote of the Association Officers.
Appropriate reasonable notice, 10 days minimum, shall be forwarded to the Association's Membership of the Meeting. That notice shall contain the issue(s), point(s) or topic(s) of discussion, the date and time of the call to order, the concluding date and time, and the medium to be used in conducting the Special Association Meeting.
Any and all such special meetings shall be limited to a specific issue(s) or point(s) of business identified in the written notice of the meeting.
Section 4 Officer Presiding
The President of the Association shall normally preside over all Association meetings. In his absence, the Vice President of the Association shall preside. In the absence of both the President and Vice President, then the Secretary shall preside over the meeting.
Section 5 Quorums and Voting
A quorum for Association Meetings shall consist of a minimum of five voting members present after proper notification of the meeting has been given. Meetings may be held via conference call or online meeting rather than in person and physical attendance at a particular location is not a requirement for quorum when members are attending in this manner. There will be no proxies.
Article VI – Standing Committees
The Association shall recognize and organize Standing Committees to assist in conducting business as the Association may deem necessary or fit. Initially, these Bylaws shall recognize the establishment of the following Standing Committees:
a) The Reunion Steering Committee;
b) The Search/Membership Committee; and
c) The 121st Security Forces Liaison Committee.
Section 1 Reunion Steering Committee
The Reunion Steering Committee shall be comprised of Regular Members of the Association to assist in the determination of the dates and locations of the Association’s Reunions.
The Reunion Steering Committee shall coordinate its activities and plans through the Executive Committee.
Section 2 Search/Membership Committee
The Search/Membership Committee shall be comprised of Regular Members of the Association to assist in the search for former members of the 121st Air Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Squadron, 121st Security Police Flight, and the 121st Security Forces Squadron, or their familial relations.
The Committee shall nominate and elect a Chairperson who shall have the ultimate responsibility for maintaining, updating and safeguarding the Association’s membership rolls, as well as the responsibility to undertake to actively seek former members from the various eras of “the 121st”
The Chairperson, in conjunction with the Committee, shall make updated membership rosters available to other officers of the Association on a timely basis. Said rosters shall be provided to all current members at each reunion event.
In undertaking their duties, the Search/Membership Committee will be sensitive to the privacy considerations of each member and be attentive to the need for privacy and security in the information they possess and have within their control.
Membership information shall be used exclusively for purposes related solely to the Association. No member’s information shall be disseminated to anyone outside the Association for any reason. No information shall be disseminated within the organization without the express permission and authorization of the member.
Section 3 121st Security Forces Liaison Committee
The 121st Security Force Liaison Committee shall be comprised of Regular Members of the Association. The 121st Security Forces Liaison Committee shall be dedicated to maintaining active and open communications with members of the 121st Security Forces Squadron.
Among other things, the Liaison Committee shall undertake efforts to determine the needs of particular members of the organization that might arise due to the United States’ ongoing efforts to minimize and eliminate terrorism and terrorist activities in the United States and around the world.
In addition, the Committee shall undertake efforts to promote good will between the Association and members of the Security Forces Squadron, promote and encourage membership in the Association from members and former members of the Security Forces Squadron, assimilate members into the Association, coordinate events, media exchanges, and update the history of “The 121st” from the records of the Security Forces Squadron.
The Committee shall report to and coordinate efforts with the Association’s Secretary.
Article VII – 121st SFAA Logo
The 121st SFAA shall have a designated “logo” or “mark.” The logo shall be distinctive in design as set forth below.
A USAF Security Police badge centered in the foreground, within concentric circles, facing the observer, silver in color.
The two concentric circles form a border on the outer rim of the design. In the upper portion of the border’s margins positioned in between the two concentric circles and above the badge are the inscribed words: “OANG 121st Security Forces Alumni Association.” In the border’s margin at the bottom of the logo are inscribed the words: “Bonded by the Badge” The inscriptions rest in a silver field of the border, and are inscribed in a dark blue color. This logo or mark shall be the property of the 121st Security Forces Alumni Association and shall be recognized as the official emblem of the Association. This logo or mark shall be used to adorn banners, correspondence, mailings, mastheads and such other objects and things as may from time-to-time be officially sanctioned by the Association.
Article VIII – Indemnification (Protection from Loss)
Officers, directors, employees, and agents of the unit shall be indemnified for any costs, expenses or liabilities necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding in which they are made a party by reason of being or having been a member serving in an elective or an appointed capacity. No member or employee shall be indemnified when adjudged in the action or suit to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty.
The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such officers and agents may be entitled.
Article IX – Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution or liquidation of the Association, and after payment of just debts and liabilities, all remaining assets shall be distributed to any such successor organization or otherwise distributed in whole or in part to another organization operating as a not-for-profit association or foundation and for exempt purposes within the meaning and definitions of 501 or other tax exemption provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any